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D. Tests or Proof of Concepts piloted on the services of public and/or private buyers


This action foresees financial support (up to 60.000 Euros) to EIC beneficiaries to perform a pilot testing or proof of concept of their innovative solutions on the services of committed (for the follow up purchase) public or private buyers. 


What is in it for you – EIC innovators/beneficiaries

  1. Financial Support for a pilot testing or proof of concept of an innovative solution 
  2. Opportunities for commercialization of the innovative solution through the follow up procurement 
  3. Recommendation of the merits of the tested innovative solution by the involved buyer to other interested procurers that may face similar needs 


What is in it for you – buyers (public and private)

  1. De-risking of purchases of commercial volumes of innovative solutions (almost for free) through the grants offered to the EIC beneficiaries 
  2. Modernization of the offered services with cutting edge technologies 
  3. Opportunities for co-creation of innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs of each invloved and committed buyer 


Who is it for – how can you take part

This action is open to EIC beneficiaries/innovators from EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition, EIC Accelerator, Seal of Excellence and Women Tech.EU 

There will be two types of calls for expression of interest: 

  1. Calls in non-pre-defined thematic areas – the EIC beneficiaries will apply along with a commitment from a pre-identified buyer 
  2. Calls in pre-identified challenges (faced by pre-identified buyers). The EIC beneficiaries will apply with solutions for these challenges. 


Learn more

Stay tuned - This new action is expected to kick start towards the end of 2023.


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