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EIC Community Programme


The EIC Community Programme aims to gather EIC Community members in a space where they can share their experiences, providing access to peer-learning workshops and tailor-made training activities. Within this scope, the EIC Community Programme has several initiatives, such as: 

  • EIC Winter/Summer Schools 

Dedicated intensive school sessions where the EIC community has the opportunity of receiving in-depth training about a certain business topic (e.g.: marketing, GDPR & IP, negotiations skills). At the Winter or Summer School, EIC beneficiaries are invited to learn in a cooperative setting, with open discussions between speakers and participants.  

  • EIC Community Talks 

These are one-time events dedicated to different horizontal topics such as internationalisation, fundraising, intellectual property rights, human resources and similar, helping participants to gain insights that they can take and apply to their businesses. Usually, these sessions are joined by speakers that provide testimonies and share their knowledge from different angles. 

  • EIC Welcome/Coordinators Days 

The Welcome or Coordinators Days are annual events dedicated to welcoming all the new organisations that have been awarded in the past year within the EIC funding schemes.  

EIC beneficiaries are offered the opportunity to network, discuss and learn more about the management of their grant, meet the responsible EIC Project & Financial Officer and discuss any operational aspect of their project. On these occasions, the EIC team also showcases all the benefits and programmes under the Business Acceleration Services. 


Implementing partners 

Between November 2023 and November 2025, this project is implemented by:

Logos of Netcompany-Intrasoft and EIT Digital


This programme is open to beneficiaries from: EIC Accelerator applicants (2nd stage), Seal of Excellence (Horizon Europe), EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition, EIC Accelerator, and Women TechEU. 



These events happen throughout the year. Please check the Open Calls & Upcoming Events page. 



Testimony from a participant present in a Community Talk about Investment: 

Joan Fitzpatrick, CEO of KiteMedical: 

“Every day is a school day. I want to use all of the resources provided by the EIC. Listening to two EIC-beneficiaries who recently closed investment rounds was very useful.”  


Contact us 

For additional information, please refer to our Helpdesk service (please choose 'Get support' as the subject).