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Stories: Read them and create your own

Search for the most interesting story

You can search among our daily updated articles that are divided according to the following types:

  • News
  • Stories
  • Events
  • Open Calls
  • Partner Calls
  • Impact Stories

To help you find what you’re looking for, you can use the filter options to refine your search:

  • Keyword
  • Topic
  • Region & country


Create and share your own story

Now, you can also create your own stories directly in the EIC Community, having in mind that they will be first submitted for revision to our content administrators, and only published after approval. Publish your interesting pieces of information by going to the Stories section and clicking on the yellow “Add content” button on the top right corner of your page.

Finally, when you’re creating your story, you can set it as “Public” – meaning that any user can see it -, or as “Restricted” – meaning that it’s only visible for logged-in members of the EIC Community.




Everytime you create a new story, you should add the “Default Disclaimer” informing that the shared content should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission.

To do this, when creating your story, scroll down and you will notice the field "Disclaimer“. There, please start typing “def...” and the “Default Disclaimer” result will appear – now you just need to select it.

After following these steps, you can publish the content and the disclaimer will appear at the bottom of the page.    
