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Browsing and Searching

Contents present in the EIC Community platform can be located using the website’s global search function, always available on the right side of the top menu bar. Users can benefit from additional tools to help them filter contents according to their interests. Continue to read and find some tips that will make your browsing and searching more efficient.



Find out how you can search the EIC Community to identify content that is most relevant to you. Search results will vary depending on the contents you can access.

You will find the search box on the upper right side of every page. Corresponding search results will then be displayed.


Display the content that's most relevant for you

As a member of the EIC Community, you can display content based on your interests and groups. These filters are used on the EIC Community Homepage, Stories, Groups, and Events pages.

Display content based on your interests

By selecting “My interests only”, the content listed will match the Topic(s)/sub-topic(s) and Region(s)/Countries of interest indicated in your profile.

Display content based on your Groups & content only

By selecting “My groups & content only”, content listed will be limited to activity from Groups you are a member of, as well as Groups you own and/or manage, and content that you have created.


How to refine your selection?

Filter results

You can filter results by selecting either of the following search facets:

  • Type (content)
  • Topics/Sub-topics
  • Regions and Countries

Some of these terms may have one or two sub-levels to offer more options.

Sort results

When searching or viewing lists of contents, you can sort these to see the most recommended, commented, viewed, or look at the latest (date created) or recently updated content. You can also switch between ascending and descending lists by clicking the selector again.

Use search operators

You can use the following operators to help you refine your search:

  • Search for combined terms by adding "speech marks" around several words; for ex: "sustainable energy"
  • By adding AND between words, for ex: Energy AND Water; your result(s) will include multiple terms.
  • By adding OR between words, for ex: Energy OR Water; your result(s) will include either or both terms.
  • By adding a space and a minus sign, for ex: Energy -Water; your result(s) will include a term but not the other (search for 'energy' but not 'water')

You will also find these operators when selecting the information icon in the search box.