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1.   What is the EIC Challenge Platform and why was the platform developed?

The European Commission created the EIC Challenge Platform to provide a common venue that enables matchmaking between innovative ideas, those with needs, and sponsor/ partner organisations. Such innovations can come from the EIC pilot, EIC Seals of Excellence or even the entire Horizon 2020 project base. This is a managed process to identify / verify / aggregate needs and solutions, to call for and engage relevant startups and partners, to broker the exchanges and ensure follow up and funding.


2.   Who can access the EIC Challenge Platform?

The platform is accessible to members and users of the EIC Community Platform. Users can easily find and contribute directly to challenges and solutions. The EIC Challenge Platform provides the information you need at your fingertips.


3.   What are the benefits of the EIC Challenge Platform?

The EIC Challenge Platform offers many advantages to different groups of users ranging from the offer side (innovative solutions that are either ready to deploy or for testing), the demand side (healthcare authorities, procurers, foundations), to express unresolved challenges and other partners/ sponsors/ investors who want to support the particular solution.

For more information, consult the Frequently Asked Questions from the EIC Challenge Platform available here!