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Story 02 June 2023

Open Call – EIC Women Leadership Awards Ceremony: Closing event of the programme’s 3rd cohort


The European Innovation Council (EIC) is celebrating the end of the Women Leadership Programme’s 3rd cohort which engaged 50 female entrepreneurs from companies supported by the EIC and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The virtual closing event will highlight and promote the success of the cohort and explore the peculiarities of the European funding landscape for female entrepreneurs. 


Register and let’s celebrate together!  

(The deadline is until Thursday, 15 June 2023)


Taking place online on Friday, 16 June 2023 (10:00 – 11:30 CET), the EIC WLP Awards Ceremony will showcase and celebrate the achievements of the Women Leadership Programme and openly conclude its 3rd cohort. Open to everyone interested, it will shed extra light on all the participating EIC and EIT-funded female entrepreneurs and innovators and celebrate their achievements during the WLP journey.  


The event will also give visibility to the implemented Women Leadership Programme activities, which include training sessions, networking, mentoring and coaching. Additionally, it will help participants understand the outcome and impact of the knowledge shared during the programme.  


To ensure that female leadership empowerment continues, the EIC will also lift the veil on future EIC WLP cohorts. Don’t miss it, and make sure to be part of this!    


Event Details  

  • Friday, 16 June 2023 (10:00 – 11:30 CET) 

  • *Virtual event 


10:00 to 10:10 – Welcome   

Anna Gumbau | Moderator 


10:10 to 10:20 – Inspirational keynote  

Ana Maiques Valls | EIC Board Member & CEO at Neuroelectrics   


10:20 to 10:30 – Presentation of the Women Leadership Programme  

Agnieszka Stasiakowska | EIC Business Acceleration Services Head of Sector, EISMEA  


10:30 to 10:50 – Roundtable: Enhancing skills with the Women Leadership Programme  


  • Nora Stolz | Trainer 

  • Margrit Schwarz | Business Coach 

  • Lina Boreson | Personal Mentor 

  • Delphine Guyon-Gellin | Participant & WLP participant & Chief Business Development Officer of Osivax   


10:50 to 11:20 – Roundtable: Fundraising: You’ve Got What It Takes! 


  • Imène Maharzi | Senior Advisor - INDEFI Sustainable Finance 

  • Mathieu Carenzo | Investor and Lecturer on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance   

  • Veronika Oudova | EIC Ambassador & CEO/Co-founder of S-Biomedic   


11:20 to 11:25 – Closing remarks 

EIC representative 


11:25 to 11:30 – Closing of the event 

Anna Gumbau | Moderator 


*Please note that after your registration you will receive a calendar invitation with a link to join.  


Additional Information  


About the EIC Women Leadership Programme  

Women-led companies are on the rise. The participation of women in deep tech is not only a matter of fairness but an important case of using Europe’s full potential of excellence in science and businesses. The EIC proactively seized this great opportunity for growth: the latest EIC Accelerator calls stated that at least 25% of applications invited for the second stage of evaluation should come from women (co)founded or led companies. As a result, the number of selected women (co) founded and led companies went from 7% to 34% (compared to the previous EIC call). This contributed to an overall increase in female-led companies from 8% to 15% (blended finance calls only).    

To further build upon this, the EIC is offering a dedicated mentoring programme, the EIC Women Leadership Programme (WLP), which aims to level the playing field in scalable businesses and mindsets by unlocking potential and breaking down barriers to success!     


Need help?  

For additional information, please refer to our helpdesk (please choose 'EIC Women Leadership Programme' as the subject) or visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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