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Story 26 January 2023

Call for achievements: Is your EIC-funded project having great results? Share the news with us!


If your organisation has received funding under one of the EIC programmes (EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition, and EIC Accelerator) and your project is accomplishing great things, we would like to disseminate and promote your achievements! 


Submit your success story here!


We encourage you to get in touch with us and to share your latest project accomplishments! Our EIC Community, of which you are part of, is eager to know more about your ground-breaking research, technologies and market conquests. This is the perfect place to make your project known and to grow your network with the most innovative companies in Europe.

You can submit your entries about newly established partnerships, closed funding rounds, or any major progress that will impact the growth of your innovative solution and business.


To share your success story, please visit our Contact page, choose the category “Propose a post / an article” and submit your information by including ‘EIC-funded project – Success Stories’ as subject. 


We are looking forward to promoting your successful path towards innovation!


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