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Story 04 May 2023

Get ahead of the game: discover upcoming services from Europe's leading innovation players in the EIC Service Catalogue

EIC & German Entrepreneurship Healthcare Investor Day

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is bringing you the first updates on upcoming services from its newly launched EIC Service Catalogue. Don’t want to miss any offers? Subscribe to the EIC Service Catalogue Highlights to receive a bi-monthly selection of services tailored to your project stage!

The EIC is now collaborating with a network of innovation ecosystem organisations providing tailored service offers for EIC beneficiaries. Innovators can apply for these services through the EIC Service Catalogue: a searchable and filterable database that includes services for acceleration, access to infrastructures and testbeds, training, fundraising support and many others targeted at EIC Beneficiaries under all funding instruments and verticals.

While many of the services accept applications on a rolling basis, some have upcoming deadlines until which EIC innovators can express their interest. Worried you’ll miss the perfect offer? We have you covered!


Discover the services with upcoming deadlines:

1. The Startups Alliance Bootcamp – Acceleration Phase by InnovX

A service dedicated to EIC beneficiaries that want to kickstart their commercialization and scaling-up journey, by focusing on the existing customers and exploring the non-customers. This Bootcamp will take place online on Microsoft Teams.

EIC Transition and EIC Accelerator beneficiaries, Seal of Excellence holders: 

Learn more and apply here until 31.05.2023

2. Incubation and Research Premisses by Inkubator Sežana

Access to co-working spaces, laboratories and conference rooms for innovators that want to accelerate their solution in Inkubator Sežana’s facilities (Sežana, Slovenia). The incubator offers 7000 m2 with 101 offices, hubs and classrooms.

EIC Pathfinder beneficiaries:

Learn more and apply here until 31.05.2023

3. Knowledge sharing through interactive masterclasses by DISC (Dutch Scale International Consortium)

This service encompasses a range of interactive tailored masterclasses, in which relevant knowledge for companies with an interest to scale up to the Netherlands will be shared. In each masterclass, an expert will dedicate the session to impart knowledge on relevant specific topics. Additional relevant experts or founders may also be invited to share their experiences on the topic at hand and complement the lectures from the primary experts.

EIC Transition and EIC Accelerator beneficiaries, Seal of Excellence holders:
Learn more and apply for the next masterclass on 24.05.2023


Other upcoming Services:

4. Mentoring Programme and Access to Technical and Business Development Experts by VDI/VDE

An ongoing six-month mentoring programme to provide access to VDI/VDE-IT’s technical and business development experts from the targeted sectors: semiconductors and electronic components and systems; artificial intelligence, big data and robotics; clean, connected and autonomous mobility; and business development.

EIC beneficiaries and Seal of Excellence holders:

Learn more and apply here


5. Open Innovation – Match Making Opportunities by BGI

This one-day reverse pitch event will allow innovators to present their solutions to top corporate executives and discover new opportunities for growth. With a focus on promoting commercial reach and 1-1 meetings, innovators will have the chance to show case their deep tech venture and find their perfect match.

EIC Transition and EIC Accelerator beneficiaries, Seal of Excellence holders:

Learn more and apply here


6. European IP Helpdesk Training scheme by European IP Helpdesk

A regular training programme, with staggered and complementary Intellectual Property (IP) training modules and providing access to specific IP expertise. The service also allows participants involved in cross-border business activities to build their own IP management skills and engages them in a continuous journey from basic to intermediate to advanced IP content.

EIC beneficiaries and Seal of Excellence holders:

Learn more and apply here


7.Online Softlanding Programme by Le Village by CA Toulouse 31

The softlanding programme allows a startup or innovative company to benefit from support to prepare their establishment on the French market.

EIC Accelerator and Seal of Excellence holders:

Learn more and apply here


8. Software as a Service Factory by Highway AI

An ongoing service to access virtual infrastructure with the aim to establish a secure, performant, evolutive and cost-controlled infrastructure in the cloud to operate a Software as a Service business.

EIC Transition and EIC Accelerator beneficiaries, Seal of Excellence holders:

Learn more and apply here


Never miss a service

Aside from regular articles in the EIC Community, the EIC is helping innovators keep up with relevant service offers through the EIC Service Catalogue Highlights. This update is tailored according to funding instrument and distributed through email on a bi-monthly basis, in order to promote new services and let you know which offers have upcoming application deadlines.

Subscribe to the EIC Service Catalogue Highlights here.


More on the EIC Partners’ Service Catalogue

The EIC Partners’ Service Catalogue gathers a vast number of acceleration and support service offers open to EIC Beneficiaries and Seal of Excellence holders provided by the group of innovation ecosystem organisations known as EIC Partners.

If you are having trouble accessing highly technical or specific resources/services to scale up your solution, the EIC Partners’ Service Catalogue may be the tool you need.

Log in to the EIC Community to discover more here (registed users only).


About the EIC Ecosystem Partnerships and Co-investment Support Programme 

The EIC Partners are selected under the EIC Ecosystem Partnerships and Co-Investment Support Programme, which is expanding the EIC Business Acceleration Services (BAS)  by taking on two of the greatest challenges for EIC innovators: accessing specialized sector-focused services and attracting private investors. 

Through a series of partnerships with key actors, the EIC is helping its beneficiaries access specialized, sector-focused resources, facilities, and expertise to address their individual needs. The programme is also promoting co-investment along the EIC Fund, namely by supporting and facilitating interactions between beneficiaries and investors. 

For additional information, please contact our helpdesk:

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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