Underlying Principle 6: User centricity

Users’ needs should be considered when determining which public services should be provided and how they should be delivered., n accordance with the following expectations: (1). A multi-channel service delivery approach, meaning the availability of alternative channels, physical and digital, to access a service, is an important part of public service design, as users may prefer different channels depending on the circumstances and their needs; (2). A single point of contact should be made available to users, to hide internal administrative complexity and facilitate access to public services, e.g. when multiple bodies have to work together to provide a public service; (3). Users’ feedback should be systematically collected, assessed and used to design new public services and to further improve existing ones; (4). As far as possible, under the legislation in force, users should be able to provide data once only, and administrations should be able to retrieve and share this data to serve the user, in accordance with data protection rule (5). Users should be asked to provide only the information that is absolutely necessary to obtain a given public service.