Francesca, Julio, Xavier… are all students facing an important transition phase of their lives. Francesca is trying to understand what to study after graduating from secondary school. Xavier is trying to get into a Grande Ecole in France. Julio is just graduating from his Masters's degree in Germany, about to enter the labor market. They have one thing in common though: due to the current lockdown, they feel isolated and without access to higher education fairs, events, or school orientation and career services to help them in the transition phase they are living.
They are left on their own, lacking support to make decisions in these uncertain times. The situation is even more critical for students with a limited network, highlighting the inequality of opportunity.


MeMentoring provides students a one-to-one mentoring service. Mentors and coaches are also students and young professionals, willing to provide help and guidance to their younger peers.

How it works

  1. A student fills a form on our website
  2. We personally make contact with her to assess her needs and make a match
  3. We propose her a pool of 5 mentors. It is then up to her to chose the one to have sessions with
  4. We follow up to help achieving results. We gather feedbacks and give guidance to both the mentor and the mentees

Tools used

  • Website builder: Wix
  • Mobile app: Biznessapps
  • Video conferencing & online meetings: Zoom
  • Documents and folders: Google Drive
  • Questionnaires: Google Forms
  • Shared calendar: Google Calendar

These tools aim to reduce the costs of external functionality implementation and make the solution functional, accessible, and user-friendly.


A complete pitch deck is ready to be submitted to investors. It includes:

  • Problem and solution statements
  • Market research
  • Costumers' segment validation
  • Our internal process
  • Our MVP : website
  • The business Plan
  • Business model canva
  • A video pitch


The market of orientation and career services is highly based on events (job fairs, open-days etc). With the lockdown students do not have access anymore to several resources to help them make a decision. Our idea is to build a student-to-student service that can provide a tailored and highly impactful help. MeMentoring helps reducing the secondary damages of the current crisis by helping a generation of youngsters left on their own and deprived of any possibilities to give space to mature their plans for the future. Thanks to the student-to-student system, MeMentoring is highly scalable and impactful.


We are a team of 4 people able to build a MVP to start operate. Our objective is to initially target the Italian market, but esnuring a database of mentors from several European countries. In the 2nd quarter of activity, we wish to expand to France and another European country. The scaling up -> process optimization and automation -> internal trainings and team development need for INVESTMENTS. (details on the pitch deck)


Our value proposition is highly relevant even after the crisis:

  • We make matches between mentors and a mentees
  • We ensure a guided journey, maximizing chances to achieve objectives
  • Mentors are from different European countries Students will always see benefits in a one-to-one mentoring relationship (60% of them states to need it*- source in our pitch deck). Even after the crisis, MeMentoring aims to continue developing and growing.

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Solution type


Only facilitators can create content.
Non moderated


No pledges available yet.