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Story 27 April 2023

Open Call – EIC ePitching to Procurers from the CivTech Alliance: An opportunity for commercial roll out of your innovative solutions


The European Innovation Council (EIC) together with the CivTech Alliance, a global network of like-minded GovTech and Civic Tech programmes, is organising an ePitching session on 21 June 2023. This session will be dedicated to matching EIC beneficiaries with public buyers' needs in the Green PropTech sector. 


Interested in this EIC ePitching opportunity to public buyers in Norway, Scotland, Lithuania and more in the building management domain?

Make sure to register your interest here before the deadline on 16 May 2023!

And TAKE YOUR CHANCE to meet your future clients!


The CivTech Alliance is a global network of like-minded GovTech and Civic Tech programmes comprising governments, enterprise agencies, academic and not-for-profit institutions across 17 countries. The CivTech Alliance's mission is straightforward: it exists to share best practices among its international network on how to deliver government transformation and find solutions to some of the world’s problems through technology and innovation. 

For this EIC ePitching to Procurers with CivTech Alliance, 7 EIC Innovators in total will be selected to participate. There will be a large number of procurers from the countries above and from other EU countries. Buyers such as  the City of Molde, the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, and Møre and Romsdal County have already expressed the interest to take part in this pitching event. In addition, other buyers such as capital cities, national Defense Estates Agencies, governmental agencies on buildings and construction etc. are expected to confirm in the near future their participation in this pitching event. Stay tuned to find more about this group of buyers with important purchasing power, but do not delay your application!


Who can apply?

All EIC-backed Innovators working on innovative products or services in the field of Green PropTech who have or are developing solutions to the challenge below can respond to this call.


What challenges should you prepare for?

In cooperation with the EIC, interested and committed buyers with links to the CivTech alliance are looking for innovative solutions that are tackling the following challenges

Challenge: Renewable Energy Generation and Monitoring in Buildings and Cities

In developing this event, the CivTech Alliance has identified the topic of renewable energy generation and monitoring in buildings and cities as a key one for its members and associated organisations. Therefore, the CivTech alliance and its procurers are looking for solutions related the challenge to this subject matter. It is expected that your solutions address these needs and could be appropriate at the individual building level, the city scale or anywhere in between.

Buyers will be looking:

  • To understand innovations that enable building and estate managers to generate renewable energy.
  • To find out more about city scale renewable energy technologies that you have developed.
  • To hear about innovative solutions that will enable them to monitor usage of energy on scales varying from building to city-wide.



You can apply by clicking on the following link: Link

After logging in with your EU-Login, please fill in the respective form.   

In your application form, you should include the answer to the questions:   

  • What is your business compliance with the event?   
  • What are your expected specific synergies/outcomes for your potential business with the burs?  

Please acknowledge the information you provide on the application form will be shared with the buyers to maximise potential benefits and ensure the effectiveness of meetings. The buyers based on their business interests will select the final participants among the applicants.   

The Business Acceleration Services will contact all applicants once the selection process has been concluded. However, this contact does not include feedback or recommendations for those not selected.


EIC Business Acceleration Services

The Business Acceleration Services provided are free of charge. All participants are expected to fill out a brief satisfaction survey shortly after the event, and a business impact survey after six months. Failure to do so may lead to exclusion from future Business Acceleration Services. 

This opportunity is brought to you by the EIC Business Acceleration Services. To explore other opportunities to connect with the largest public and private procurers in Europe, keep an eye on our events page.  

Cancellation policy

Cancellations will only be considered in duly documented cases of “force majeure”. Unjustified cancellation can lead to exclusion in future Business Acceleration Services events.

Should you have any questions regarding the event or your eligibility, please contact us through our contact page (please choose “EIC ePitching to Procurers from the CivTech Alliance” as the subject).


DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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