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SPIN4EIC Construction, Infrastructure and Manufacturing

Unleash Tomorrow's World: Join the SPIN4EIC Construction, Infrastructure, Manufacturing Group. Dive into the heartbeat of progress as we redefine the landscape of construction, infrastructure, and manufacturing. From shaping the future through the building, repairing, and renovating of infrastructures to the artistry of manufacturing. Join us in… Read more

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Rapid Applications for Transport Open Call – Don’t miss this opportunity! Choose your challenge by 6 May

EIT Urban Mobility reaffirmed its commitment to city-driven innovation with the announcement of the Rapid Application for Transport (RAPTOR) programme. Recognizing cities as vital catalysts for innovation adoption, RAPTOR aims to accelerate the implementation of cutting-edge solutions in urban mobility.

Learn more about the RAPTOR Project

Under this initiative, cities are empowered to select promising solutions with the support of technical and business advisors. These chosen solutions receive financial backing to be developed and tested within the city within a five-month timeline. By prioritizing proximity to citizens and rapid development, RAPTOR seeks to address mobility challenges efficiently and effectively.

The 2024 edition of RAPTOR will see 13 cities across Europe implementing pilot projects, potentially tackling a total of 44 mobility challenges in 38 cities over three years. This agile approach complements EIT Urban Mobility's traditional large-scale projects, fostering competition and drawing innovative minds into the community.

With the new edition of the RAPTOR programme in 2024, EIT Urban Mobility will select up to 13 projects from across Europe to develop solutions to niche mobility challenges. Existing documentation and lessons learned from RAPTOR’s previous editions will be key in ensuring an acceleration of innovation in cities, closer to citizens and closer to the innovation’s edge.  

Discover the 13 challenges here!


Main features of the call

Key dates of the Call calendar 

  • Call opening: 29 February 2024 
  • Call closing (submission of completed application): 6 May 2024 at 17:00 CET 
  • Eligibility and admissibility check: End of May 2024 
  • Evaluation of proposals: May-June 2024 
  • Panel hearing: June 2024 
  • Communication of results: July 2024 
  • Tentative start of the projects: August 2024 

Total estimated EIT Funding allocated to this Call  

Up to €520,000 (a lump sum of €59,500 per project, of which €40,000 is refunded as EIT funding and €19,500 is co-funding) 

Project duration 

RAPTOR projects will last from August to December 2024. 

Submission portal  

EIT Urban Mobility AwardForce  

Short summary of the topics to be addressed 

Each city has issued a City Challenge, found at and in Annex II, highlighting their niche city mobility challenges and information necessary to assess their issue and location. 

Evaluation criteria 

Phase 1: Quality evaluation 

  • Strategic fit 
  • Excellence, impact, and implementation 

Phase 2: Panel hearings 

  • Results of the hearing 
  • Portfolio fit 

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