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Story 25 July 2024

Open Call: EIC beneficiaries, don’t miss this €40,000,000 energy fusion business opportunity through a tender (pre-commercial procurement)!


The SPIN4EIC powered by EIC Business Acceleration (BAS) Innovation Procurement Programme aims to support EIC beneficiaries by providing guidance and enhancing their capacity to leverage innovation procurement. We are currently calling for EIC beneficiaries who offer solutions for the Energy sector to apply to this energy fusion tender aims to purchase research and development services for the creation of Integrated Technological Validators (VATIs) in two distinct technological fields.

The field of high-intensity hadron accelerator systems, and secondly, the field of experimental target systems and irradiation test areas. These prototypes, referred to as VATIs, are not currently available in the market and encompass a range of highly relevant and innovative technologies.

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación E.P.E. (CDTI) in collaboration with the Consorcio IFMIF DONES España has launched this tender with the goal of supporting the development and validation of innovative solutions in the fusion energy field. You can find the number of contracts per phase, the budget per contract, and further administrative information about the tender in the attached PDF document.

Express your interest in receiving assistance in applying to this tender here until 1 August 2024 11:59 am CEST!

Proposals submissions for the tender are open until 3 September 2024.

What's in it for you?

The SPIN4EIC initiative allows EIC-funded companies to expand their networks and engage with relevant innovation procurement decision-makers across Europe and beyond. As part of this initiative, applicants can receive tailored assistance to participate in tender opportunities, such as this energy fusion pre-commercial procurement opportunity.

The SPIN4EIC Assistance Action is a tailored guidance scheme that includes the following main activities:

  1. Assignment of a Single Contact Person from the assistance team, who will be responsible for guiding the beneficiaries along the process.
  2. Organisation of an online Kick-off meeting during which the beneficiaries and the assistance team will agree on the required guidance activities and define the next steps.
    The support to the EIC beneficiaries under the SPIN4EIC Initiative will encompass guidance activities such as providing best practices on drafting tenders, sharing best practices of organising tendering documents, and providing guidance on their format and organisation. The support will not include services such as the drafting of technical documents, the preparation of administrative documents, the submission of documents to buying entities, nor translation, mediation, and litigation services.
  3. Provision of tailored assistance services: the exact guidance activities to be provided to each beneficiary will be tailored based on the nature and needs, as agreed during the Kick-off meeting.

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How to apply to receive assistance?

If this opportunity sounds interesting to you and you would like to receive assistance to apply to the tender, please submit this application questionnaire within 1 August 2024 at 11:59 am CEST.

Applicants are not automatically accepted to participate in the assistance action.


What are the eligibility criteria to receive assistance?

To be eligible to receive assistance in this tender, applications must meet the following criteria:

a)  Be an EIC beneficiary (“EIC beneficiaries" include all SMEs and projects funded by the EIC, EIC Pilot, SME Instrument, FTI, Pathfinder, Transition and FET, regardless of the year they were funded. SMEs that received the Seal of Excellence (SoE) under Horizon Europe (starting from 2021) as well as Women in Tech awardees are also included);

b)  Ensure that your company complies with tender requirements stated above (“Selection/Exclusion criteria”);

c)   Ensure that your company possesses the linguistic capacity to submit an offer in the language requested by the tender opportunity (Spanish);

d)  Ensure that your company has the available resources to participate in/allocate to the assistance services.


Please note the following disclaimers:

•    Technical and Administrative Document Drafting Disclaimer:
The assistance provided does not encompass the drafting of technical or economic documents, the preparation of administrative documents, or the submission of documents to buying entities.

•    Language Translation Disclaimer:
This assistance action does not extend to the translation of documents.

•    Document development responsibility Disclaimer:
The assistance action is tailored to offer assistance in selected aspects of the procurement process; however, the beneficiary will be responsible for the development of all documents related to the opportunity.

About the SPIN4EIC powered by the EIC Business Acceleration Services (BAS) Innovation Procurement Programme

SPIN4EIC is an innovative and unique flagship initiative from the EIC dedicated to delivering valuable support services to EIC innovators. Its purpose is to enhance their ability to access procurement markets both in Europe and worldwide. The program is committed to promoting the entry of outstanding EIC innovators into procurement markets, generating broader prospects for inventive SMEs and startups. Simultaneously, it aims to facilitate their expansion in the market environment and to create matching opportunities with procurers.

Need help?

For additional information, please refer to our Helpdesk by choosing “Energy Fusion pre-commercial procurement” as the subject and selecting the category “SPIN4EIC powered by powered by EIC BAS Innovation Procurement Programme”.

Doc tender_Energy Fusion PCP.pdf /community/media/13656/download?node_id=6444

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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