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Story 24 October 2018

News: Boost your network with EIC Corporate Days


The European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot stimulates strong collaboration between the innovative companies it funds and large corporates, investors, technology giants and industrial leaders to spur new partnerships and help small companies scale-up their business. 

The EIC Business Acceleration Services have organised dozens of events and opportunities since 2017 to allow EIC-funded companies to boost their network and meet relevant investors and business partners. Before summer 2019, other events with leading European and global players are sure to unlock opportunities for companies across Europe. They will bring together EIC SMEs with leading large companies like Medtronic, Veolia, Electrolux or Suez. Highly innovative SMEs with potential for high growth are invited to take full advantage of these partnering opportunities.

So far 220 companies have been invited to pitch their top-class innovations and business proposals to aerospace giant AIRBUS, to ABB the leading supplier of industrial robots and 7 other of the leading corporates in Europe working on open innovation: IBERDROLA, BMW, Procter & Gamble, ROCHE, ENEL and VINCI Construction.

Bridging the gap between SMEs and large companies can prove to be a vital strategy for business acceleration and growth.


"Large corporates have scale, but are often limited when it comes to developing new ideas that challenge existing business models. The EIC is a unique opportunity for small and large European companies to collaborate and leverage the diversification of Europe in order to win in the digital era and develop new sustainable business models and opportunities for the benefits of all citizens" says Jim Hagemann Snabe, Chairman of Siemens.


For many organisations, mutually beneficial partnerships are a straightforward way to access larger deals, accelerate market penetration and tap into global distribution and marketing channels. Finding the right strategic partner can be the fastest way to fast-grow your business, it will also allow you more time to focus on the critical activities that make your business unique.

If you're an EIC-funded company and would like to know more about our upcoming events, take a look at our calendar

For additional information on how to apply, please refer to our helpdesk: 

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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