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Story 19 January 2024

Sub-Call for Expression of Interest – RaDAR PPI

RaDAR PPI Sub-Call Header

Sub-Call for Expression of Interest – RaDAR PPI: GREAT business opportunity! Don’t miss out on these two tender opportunities worth €600k and up to €250M!

Express your interest here to receive assistance!

[ Applications to this Sub-Call are now closed, stay tuned for our upcoming opportunities! ]

What is RaDAR PPI?

The RaDAR (Rapid Detection and control system for Antimicrobial Resistance) is an EU-funded project that aims to respond to the pressing European demand for a swift and efficient system for detecting and controlling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the conduction of a value-based cross-border collaborative procurement to acquire innovative solutions.

The EU is funding cross-border buyers through RaDAR, comprising four public organisations across three distinct European countries (France, Spain, and Italy), which collaborate as early adopters of innovative solutions to collectively tackle shared challenges in combating AMR. Four European healthcare buyers have identified an unmet need for rapid detection of multi-drug resistant microorganisms (MDROs) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) management and control systems to combat a serious and growing global problem. The buyers include:

  • Institut Català d’Oncología – ICO;
  • Reseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers – Resah;
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Department of Public Health – UNINA-DISAP;
  • Servicio Vasco de Salud Osakidetza – OSAK.

Among the missions of the RaDAR project is to raise awareness regarding the intricacies of AMR, fostering improved coordination at the European Union level to combat AMR, forging robust partnerships, exchanging experiences, and harmonising strategies.

The project is developed in phases, as shown in the following project timetable figure.

RaDAR PPI project phases

The procurement process of the RaDAR Buyers Group evolved into a series of initiatives - e.g., InfoDays, bilateral meetings, market surveys and consultations, open market consultations (OMCs) and pre-information notices (PINs) - to present project information and give potential suppliers the opportunity to propose their company, their solutions, and their AMR needs for Matchmaking purposes.

RaDAR PPI Call for Tenders - Four Tenders to Fight the Threat of AMR

After the joint market dialogue phase, the four buyers of the RaDAR consortium are ready to launch their own calls for tenders.

ICO, Resah and UNINA's tenders have already been launched, with the Servicio Vasco de Salud Osakidetza (OSAK) expected to follow soon after.

The three tenders already launched are the following:

          A. Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO l’hospitalet)Integral approach service for the control of antimicrobial resistant microorganisms

This tender aims to secure the services required for the implementation, deployment, and maintenance of a comprehensive solution to address antimicrobial resistance within the hospital setting. This includes the transfer of equipment designed for the rapid detection of infections and colonisation by microorganisms resistant to antimicrobials. Furthermore, the tender aims to provide support to health professionals in optimising antimicrobial usage and ensuring the proper handling of microorganisms and patients in the hospitals.

The RaDAR solution represents an integrated approach, incorporating various components and technologies to facilitate diverse activities with the overarching goal of enhancing the management of patients, pathogens, samples, and prescriptions. This integrated and intelligent management system is designed to effectively address the challenges posed by antimicrobial resistance.

All tender documents are available at the official tender on the Catalan public procurement page, also available in English.

The table below shows the key information of the tender:

Opportunity info

Selection criteria of this tender

All information on the selection criteria for the ICO's call for tenders can be reached at the following documents:

  • Document “1. IN CPI_RaDAR CP-2023-42”, §g “Criteris de solvència tècnica o professional, i econòmica i financera”;
  • Document “7. PLEC OBERT SERVEIS”, §9 “Aptitud per contractor” e §10 “Aptitud per contractor”;
  • Document “8. QC 2023-42”, §G “Solvència i classificació empresarial”.

B. Reseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers – Resah - Innovative Solutions to Combat Anti-Microbial Resistance

This call is structured as distinct framework agreements, divided into 10 separate lots, and aims at purchase, lease-maintenance without purchase option and make biology equipment and biology software available through the purchase of a license (on premise) or through rights to use the software (Saas) and provision of related services, or:

    • Equipment installation;
    • Putting it into production;
    • Assistance with training and accreditation;
    • Warranty and maintenance;
    • The supply of reagents and consumables associated with purchased, rented or equipment made available under this framework agreement.

All tender documents are available at the official tender on the Maximilien Portal.

The table below shows the key information of the tender:

Opportunity info

Selection criteria of this tender

All information on the selection criteria for the Resah's call for tenders can be reached at the following documents:

  • Document “2023-R104-000-000- RC commun”, §10.1 “Application documents”.

C. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Department of Public Health - UNINA-DISAP - Innovative information technology services for rapid detection of multidrug-resistant microorganisms and intelligent management and control of antibiotic resistance

This tender aims to procure innovative IT services at the Department of Public Health of the University of Naples 'Federico II' for the rapid detection of multidrug-resistant microorganisms and for the intelligent management and control of antibiotic resistance in patients admitted to certain wards of the AOU Federico II. The tender encompasses transport, loading, unloading, porterage services, and any other necessary elements to ensure that the work is carried out appropriately in the designated environments.

All tender documents are available at the official tender on the Italian public procurement page.

The table below shows the key information of the tender:

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II tender info

The agreement relies on a fixed lump sum payment, distributed across three installments.

The table below shows the key information about the payments:

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II payments info

The general payment schedule is as follows:

Selection criteria of this tender

All information on the selection criteria for the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II's call for tenders can be reached at the following documents:

  • “Disciplinare di Gara en-signed Document”, 6. "General requirements" e 7. "Special requirements and means of proof".

DISCLAIMER: Please note that responses to the invitation to tender for Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO L'hospitalet) must be (at least) in Catalan. For the invitation to tender for the GIP Hospital Purchasing Network ("Resah"), responses should be in French or accompanied by a French translation. Responses to the invitation to the tender Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Department of Public Health (UNINA-DISAP) must be in Italian, or if drafted in another languages, must be accompanied by a sworn translation into Italian. The SPIN4EIC team will provide support for the tendering process in English but it will not provide the translation of documents into other languages.

SPIN4EIC Assistance Action - What´s in it for you?

The SPIN4EIC assistance action is a tailored guidance scheme that includes the following main activities:

  • Assignment of a Single Contact Person from the assistance team, who will be responsible for guiding the beneficiaries along the process.
  • Organisation of an online Kick-off meeting during which the beneficiaries and the assistance team will agree on the required guidance activities and define the next steps.

The support to the EIC beneficiaries under the SPIN4EIC Initiative will encompass guidance activities such as providing best practices on drafting tenders, sharing best practices of organising tendering documents, and providing guidance on their format and organisation. The support will not include services such as the drafting of technical documents, the preparation of administrative documents, the submission of documents to buying entities, nor translation, mediation, and litigation services.

  • Provision of tailored assistance services: The exact guidance activities to be provided to each beneficiary will be tailored based on the nature and needs, as agreed during the Kick-off meeting.

In the context of the ICO l'Hospitalet opportunity, the guidance services may involve assistance in forming consortia with local stakeholders.

Assistance Action process


SPIN4EIC assistance eligibility criteria & selection process

To receive support in the context of the SPIN4EIC assistance action, applicants must submit the application questionnaire within the following dates:

  • Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO l’hospitalet) - deadline for submission of the Application questionnaire: 20/02/2024 at 23:59 CET.
  • Reseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers – Resah - deadline for submission of the Application questionnaire: 20/02/2024 at 23:59 CET.
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Department of Public Health – UNINA – DISAP – deadline for submission of the Application questionnaire: 23/02/2024 at 23:59 CET.

Applicants are not automatically accepted to participate in the assistance action.

For the assistance actions, participants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be an EIC beneficiary ("EIC beneficiaries" involve all SMEs and projects funded by the EIC, EIC Pilot, SME Instrument, FTI, Pathfinder, Transition and FET (no matter the year they were funded). SMEs that got the Seal of Excellence (SoE) under Horizon Europe (not before 2021) as well as Women in Tech awardees are also included.);
  2. Ensure that your company complies with tender requirements stated above (“Selection criteria”) for the tender opportunity you are interested in;
  3. Ensure that your company possess the linguistic capacity to submit an offer in the language requested by the tender opportunity (Catalan, French or Italian);
  4. Ensure that your company has the available resources to participate/allocate to the assistance services.


Please note the following disclaimers:

  • Technical and Administrative Document Drafting Disclaimer:

The assistance provided does not encompass the drafting of technical or economic documents, the preparation of administrative documents, or the submission of documents to buying entities.

  • Language Translation Disclaimer:

This assistance action does not extend to the translation of documents into languages other than English.

  • Document development responsibility Disclaimer:

The assistance action is tailored to offer assistance in selected aspects of the procurement process; however, the beneficiary will be responsible for the development of all the documents related to the opportunity.

Open Call for the SPIN4EIC Assistance Action

Please note that in addition to this Sub-call for EOI, you should also complete and submit the form for the Open Call, which is available here.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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