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11th EIC Community Analytics Report (09/03/2019 – 16/03/2019)

Top 5 Sections

  1. Homepage 1 177 visits | 473 unique visitors
  2. Events 180 visits | 107 unique visitors
  3. FAQ 145 visits | 105 unique visitors
  4. Groups 171 visits | 90 unique visitors
  5. People 333 visits | 84 unique visitors

Top 5 Pages

  1. P&G Private Group 1 019 visits | 718 unique visitors
  2. Orange Private Group 231 visits | 182 unique visitors
  3. Welcome Day Private Group 284 visits | 169 unique visitors
  4. Nasdaq Event Site 213 visits | 158 unique visitors
  5. Empowering Women Innovators 196 visits | 130 unique visitors

Key takeaways

  • Peak of activity due to the Photo Album for Nasdaq event and the Private Groups for events -P&G Private Group (all sections included) was the most viewed page, due to the moderation related to event organisation: logistics and pitch deck reviews and dry-runs.
  • People continue to be one of the most viewed sections = related to the follow up on invitations for the groups created for events and having members updating their profiles (no analytics here, this should be something to develop).
  • ScaleUp EU had 39 views, 32 unique visitors. The number was high compared with previous weeks, probably due to the Nasdaq event.
  • The increase in activity with comments and opened discussions continued (as we cannot export them yet, I do not have numbers). Members on Private Groups are using the Community to send both private messages requesting information and opening discussions on logistics
  • Around 50% of the members visits the EIC Community more than once (unique visitors vs total visits)
EIC-Community-Analytics-Reports 23Fev-02Mar 2019.pdf /community/media/4104/download?node_id=1791

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