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Story 15 June 2023

Partner calls: Attend EDF’s Info Days 2023 and get to know this year’s open calls for the space market


On 30 March 2023, the European Commission adopted the third annual Work Programme (WP) of the European Defence Fund (EDF), allocating an additional €1.2 billion to support collaborative research and development projects and innovation in the European defence sector. In this scope, 2 open calls are going to be launched on 22 June 2023, with the aim of enhancing the EU Space Domain Awareness (SDA) capabilities. On 28-29 June, EDF will host its Info Days 2023 to present this year’s calls for proposals and host a networking event.


Don’t miss you chance to register for the EDF Info Days!


EDF Info Days 2023

On 28-29 June 2023, the European Commission will organise a Information Day and a Networking Event for potential applicants to the European Defence Fund (EDF) 2023 calls for proposals.  
Registrations are open here!

  • On Day 1, DG DEFIS will present the EDF 2023 calls for proposals and explain in detail the submission process.
  • On Day 2, the event will provide a unique international networking opportunity to form winning defence research and development consortia and elaborate project proposals. You will have the opportunity to pitch your ideas and expertise and to schedule one-to-one meetings with other participants.

You can get to know more about the EDF Info Days at the event’s page.


EDF Open Calls for 2023

The 2023 calls will be open for submission on 22 June with the deadline on 22 November 2023. With a total budget of €125 million, the calls topics are “Threat surveillance and protection of space-based assets” and “Initial operational capacity for Space situational awareness C2 and sensors”. You can read more about them below:

  • EDF-2023-RA-SPACE-PSA: Threat surveillance and protection of space-based assets (research action)

Budget: 25M€
Description: The general objective of this topic is to conduct research activities on space-based technologies contributing to the protection of space-based assets against a wide range of threats and to demonstrate the feasibility of selected technological solutions.

  • EDF-2023-DA-SPACE-SSA: Initial operational capacity for Space situational awareness C2 and sensors (development action)

Description: The general objective of this topic is to develop interconnected military SSA centres with their respective sensors to foster a larger degree of European autonomy, taking also benefit of relationships which may be established with other partner nations and organisations and their capabilities. It should target advanced development of components and system level technologies and products (including qualification for some parts) thus leading to a European military SSA initial operational capability.

The full description of the calls can be found in this document. For any question regarding EDF calls, please refer to this page.


DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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