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Story 17 December 2024

Open call – Reached a milestone? Got a prize? Share your success story proposal with the EIC Community team


Are you an EIC beneficiary? Has your organisation achieved noticeable accomplishments with the support of the European Innovation Council or has it recently been rewarded for its groundbreaking research and technology? In any of these cases, we encourage you to get in touch with us and share your latest EIC project accomplishments! 

Watch our video for a quick explanation on how to propose your success story through the EIC Community platform’s Help & Guidance tab!  

Whether you are exploring a bold idea for a radically new technology, already validating your novel technology, or in the process of scaling up your game-changing innovation, our EIC Community team is eager to know more about the greatest milestones of your EIC-funded project. This is the perfect place to make your project known and to grow your network with the most innovative companies in Europe. 

To propose your success story, you only need to follow a few, simple steps: 

  1. From the ‘Help & Guidance’ tab in the menu, click on ‘Contact us’

  1. Fill in the compulsory fields including: 

  • the ‘Category’, where you should select ‘Propose a post / an article’

  • the ‘Subject’, which should correspond to your funding scheme followed by the category ‘Success stories’ (for example, if you are a Pathfinder awardee, please write ‘EIC Pathfinder – Success stories’); 

  • the ‘Message’, where you should share your latest project accomplishments to be included in the article; 

  1. once all the fields have been completed, you can click on ‘Send a message’

We are looking forward to promoting your path towards innovation! 

About the EIC Community Programme 

The EIC Community platform is part of the EIC Community Programme, which aims to gather EIC Community members in a space where they can share their experiences, providing access to peer-learning workshops and tailor-made training activities. Within this scope, the EIC Community Programme has several initiatives, such as EIC Winter/Summer Schools, EIC Community Talks and EIC Welcome/Coordinators Days.  

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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