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EIC Community
Story 17 May 2024

Open call: Get regulation and internationalisation insights from the EIC Partners supporting Healthcare companies through the EIC Service Catalogue

The banner for the stories under the EIC Ecosystem Partnerships and Co-Investment Support Stories

Are you an EIC-funded Healthcare innovator looking for ways to navigate regulatory complexities, identify the appropriate market or kickstart your international expansion? Join the next Ask me Anything: EIC Service Catalogue to participate in hands-on activities and hear key insights from EIT Health, InXso and Biocat. This online session will take place on 20 June, from 11:00 to 12:30 CEST.

From groundbreaking medical technologies to innovative therapies, the health sector is constantly evolving. However, with innovation comes a myriad of regulatory challenges and procedural complexities.

Join us on this session to discover how you can begin your internationalisation journey within and beyond Europe, and safely and effectively navigate through regulatory and compliance measures across the different domains of the Healthcare sector. In this session, you will discover valuable services to support you in this journey, available through the EIC Service Catalogue.

Sign up here.

This session will be held via zoom on 20 June, 11:00 to 12:30 CEST.

Participants must register before 20 June, 09:00 CET to secure their participation and receive the link to the session by email.


Why should you join this Ask me Anything?

EIC beneficiaries and Seal of Excellence holders joining this session will get the chance to:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted challenges and strategies involved in internationalising medical devices within EU Healthcare markets and beyond, encompassing both regulatory hurdles and reimbursement considerations;
  • Directly interact with the EIC Partners during a Q&A and through hands-on activities;
  • Hear EIC Programme Managers discuss the needs of the EIC Portfolio of healthcare innovators;
  • Learn how to navigate the EIC Service Catalogue and find services to address their needs;
  • Provide insights on how EIC Partners can tailor the services available through the EIC Service Catalogue.


Who can apply? 

All EIC beneficiaries and Seal of Excellence holders in the Healthcare sector can apply and join the session.

However, the topics will be of particular interest to beneficiaries working on solutions with TRL 4 or higher. If you are an EIC Transition and EIC Accelerator beneficiary, or even a Seal of Excellence holder who fits the previous criteria, you are particularly encouraged to register.


Which EIC Partners are joining the event?

You can find the list of organisations presenting their services during the session below:

Participants will also be able to join a hands-on activity with one of these EIC Partners. You will get to choose the activity during the session, but can express your interest in advance through a dedicated form that will be linked on your calendar blocker.


What is the EIC Service Catalogue? 

The EIC Service Catalogue gathers a vast number of support services, from fundraising to acceleration, matchmaking, and even niche services such as intellectual property and legal support, infrastructure provision and many others. These services are tailored to EIC beneficiaries and Seal of Excellence holders and provided by the group of innovation ecosystem organisations known as EIC Partners.

If you are having trouble finding resources/services to scale up your solution, the EIC Service Catalogue may be the tool you need. 

Log in to the EIC Community to discover more (registered users only). 

What is the EIC Ecosystem Partnerships and Co-Investment Support Programme?

The EIC Service Catalogue is brought to you by the EIC Ecosystem Partnerships and Co-Investment Support Programme. This programme offers all EIC beneficiaries and Seal of Excellence holders access to a network of Partners providing services tailored to their needs. The programme also includes a component to promote co-investment along with the EIC Fund by preparing beneficiaries to interact with investors and connecting them through matchmaking and dedicated events.

For any questions or technical issues concerning the programme or this session, please contact

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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