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Story 29 May 2024

EIC Soft-landing Programme: EIC awardees are driving their scaleups to a higher level by benefiting from exclusive market-focused training activities


Are you a EIC awardee? Do you want to scale up your business and venture into new markets, but feel like you don’t have the required expertise to do so? Would you like to pitch your ideas to a relevant audience and dive into innovative ecosystems, such as Silicon Valley or Singapore? Discover the EIC Soft-landing Programme, powered by EIC Business Acceleration Services, and benefit from an exclusive training that will provide you with the essential tools to succeed in challenging markets. 

The EIC-backed companies selected to take part in the EIC Soft-landing Programme are handpicked by external experts according to their business structure, commercialisation and internationalisation plans and ambitions. To succeed in this selection, the companies must provide detailed information on: 

  • Plan to enter the target market 

  • The expected impact of the participation in the EIC Soft-landing Programme 

  • The fit of the innovative products and services with the market needs 

  • Commitment of financial and human resources to participate in the programme 

  • Contribution to EU strategic autonomy as technology powerhouse 

Last week, for the first edition of 2024, the programme landed in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, USA. Representing Ligence, a patented AI platform that facilitates cardio diagnosis through automated echocardiography interpretations and reporting, and one of the 15 EIC-backed companies of this edition, Justinas Balčiūnas and Simas Tatoris, highlighted the benefits of the programme: 

“We’ve been helped already by the EIC Accelerator Programme, but then we realised that it’s impossible to build a global company without entering the US market and that’s why we applied for this programme.” 

(Justinas Balčiūnas, COO of Ligence) 

“We had an idea of what we thought it takes to enter the US market, but we learned on the very first day here that everything we thought we knew we had to learn again. We had to take a new perspective on how to engage with key opinion leaders, how to collaborate with hospitals, how to attract US investment… Overall, we learned how our presence in the US needs to be like. The programme has disrupted our thinking and created space for us to develop a new way that works.” 

(Simas Tatoris, CTO of Ligence) 

For the EIC-backed companies, the EIC support is key to enlarge perspectives and create brand new approaches to internationalisation. Additionally, the involved business partners are also fundamental in establishing the first bridge between the European and the US markets. Through this programme, their contribution goes beyond sharing knowledge and mentorship, as they also set up new network of global innovation leaders. Read more about the fundamental role of the business partners in the EIC Soft-landing Programme.

Discover the highlights of this latest edition in San Francisco and Silicon Valley (19 – 24 May 2024).

About the EIC Soft-landing Programme 

Following the EIC International Trade Fairs & USA Soft-landing Programme 3.0 success, the EIC Soft-landing initiative is now a stand-alone programme. This new exclusive business acceleration service provides customised guidance and the adequate tools for EIC awardees who have launched and gained traction abroad and want to expand to a new market without keeping their attention away from their main operations at home. 

If you’re interested in knowing more about the programme and our open calls, please visit our page in the EIC Community.     

Need help?       

For additional information, please refer to our helpdesk by choosing “EIC Soft-landing Programme” as the subject.      

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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