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Cosmetics Europe

The group is an open platform to share ideas, difficulties, wishes etc. for people who are touching somehow to the Cosmetic field either through their projects or by any other means. Please keep in contact.

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Users 18
Comments 2
Documents 3
Calendar 2

Group archived

This group has been archived. Interactions with the group are no longer possible at this time. For more information please contact your site admin.


A refreshment for our group communication

I hope everyone in the group is fine and healthy. 

For quite a long time there has been no communication in our group. To increase the communication level in the group I will be very happy to hear your suggestions.

Which content will add great value to this group?

What will you like to hear and share in this group?

If we are going to make a contract for defining the communication structure of this group what do you like to be in the contract?

I believe we can create great value with this group of selected professionals. Let's create this value together. 

Kind regards


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