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Yes, communication plays an important role in making sure your project has a lasting impact! That's why communicating your project results is a requirement under virtually all EU programmes. 

With the right strategic communication you will attract the interest of those who could benefit from your work – be it local or regional authorities, national governments, potential business partners or the research community. 

Wondering how to include communication actions in your proposal for funding and how to set up a communication strategy? Check our #CommsWorkout webinar and FAQs.​

This toolkit is for projects funded through one of our programmes: we want to help you make the most of your communication efforts. Our ultimate aim is to form a strong community of project partners, experts and investors who will exchange experiences, learn from each other and form new partnerships.

See the pages on how to join the community in four simple steps:

  1. Proudly display EU support
  2. Share your stories with us
  3. Connect with us on social media
  4. Come to our events


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