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Story 19 March 2025

Stories - EIC Transition project Vasc-on-Demand, among the winning teams of Northern Bavaria 2025 business plan competition Phase 1


On 11 March 2025, in the first phase of the Northern Bavaria 2025 business plan competition, EIC Transition project Vasc-on-Demand, coordinated by University Hospital Würzburg, was under the spotlight, alongside other nine start-ups from the fields of mobility and transport, electrical engineering, software and medical technology after successfully convincing the jury of their business concepts.

Out of the ten winning teams, other four companies from the Würzburg start-up scene will concur alongside Vasc-on-Demand in the next phase of the competition aimed at preparing North Bavarian companies for market entry – namely StrokeCap, ProcessBridge, LaMa Recycling Technologies and ENDOLEASE.   

Towards reliable and advanced solutions for vascularized tissue production   

With 90% of drug candidates failing in clinical trials – 40% of which due to lack of efficacy in humans – the team of young academics and industry experts behind Vasc-on-Demand is driven by the mission of bringing the first artificial human blood vessels to the market.  

By improving the creation of 3D tissue models for pharmaceutical research, the EIC project holds the potential to reduce animal trials and development costs, offering significant advancements in drug testing and other research applications.   

A growing recognition in the Bavarian start-up scene 

The EIC project’s success in the first phase of the Northern Bavaria 2025 business plan competition comes just a few months after another noticeable achievement: that of being featured in the Gründermagazin Mainfranken 2024, yet another recognition of the team’s groundbreaking work aimed at revolutionising preclinical research with artificial blood vessels. 

From the Gründermagazin Mainfranken’s recognition in the local start-up scene of Würzburg to the most recent winning of the first phase of the Northern Bavaria 2025 business plan competition, Vasc-on-Demand's young and dynamic team seems to be gaining momentum as one of the major start-ups showcasing the region’s innovation potential.  

Additional information  

Vasc-on-Demand is an EIC Transition beneficiary building on the knowledge of academics and experienced industry experts – including all inventors of the technology – and striving to shaping the future of drug development and academic research by bringing the first artificial human blood vessels to the market.  

Learn more about Vasc-on-Demand by visiting CORDIS. 

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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