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Partnership Development

To manage your new sales and growth you need to enter into networks of peers and potential strategic partners, which requires negotiation and IP protection.

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EUROPEAN IPR HELPDESK Event on Digital Transformation - IP and Blockchain Technologies

The EU IPR Helpdesk organizes a workshop on “Digital Transformation - IP and Blockchain Technologies”

The workshop will take place on 12 December on 15:00 - 18:00 p.m. at KoWi, Rue du Trône 98, Brussels

Experts from the IP and Business Community are invited to discuss the impact of Blockchain technology on Intellectual Property and the protection of it.

The focus will be on best practices of new IP and business development strategies based on Blockchain technology.

EU IPR Helpdeks invites all beneficiaries of EC-funded projects, such as the SME instrument, developing blockchain as a disruptive technology-based business model.  

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Contact point for the event:

Jörg Scherer

European IPR Helpdesk – Training and Awareness Raising Activities

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IPR Helpdesk

c/o EURICE – European Research and Project Office GmbH
Science Park 1
66123 Saarbrücken

Phone: + 49 681 959233-79