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Story 18 February 2022

Open Call – EIC ePitching to Procurers with NO-FEAR: Putting innovative solutions in healthcare to good use


The European Innovation Council together with the Network Of practitioners For Emergency medical systems and critical care (NO-FEAR) are organising a pitching and hands-on session on 29th March 2022. This session will be dedicated to matching EIC-beneficiaries with NO-FEAR consortia’s needs in the fields associated with medical acute care in times of pandemics. The specific issues are related to 1) Innovative Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2) New disinfection technologies and materials.


Interested in this opportunity?

Make sure to apply here until 25 February 2022!


Being a 5-year (June 2018 – May 2023) Horizon 2020, Coordination and Support Action project, NO-FEAR is meant to bring together a pan-European (and broader) network of emergency medical care practitioners, suppliers, decision, and policymakers to collaborate and exchange knowledge, good practices, and lessons learned. With a network of more than 250 members and growing, the NO-FEAR project embarks medical practitioners, academia and policymakers from EMS, hospitals, and procurement organisations.


With a workshop being organised on 29 March 2022 in the premises of SAMUR P.C (Servicio de Asistencia Municipal de Urgencia y Rescate y Proteccion Civil) in Madrid, the NO-FEAR project aims to discuss and confirm the main lessons observed from COVID 19 (that are relevant to better prepare for future events).


Given during this pandemic, medical practitioners had to face challenges never experienced before, the way health care is delivered had to be changed with the need to reduce staff exposure to ill persons, preserve personal protective equipment (PPE), and minimise the impact of patient surges on facilities. That has forced healthcare systems to adjust the way they triage, evaluate, monitor, and care for patients using methods that do not rely on in-person services. To meet the ever-changing needs of its members, the NO-FEAR consortium wants to gain an overview of new innovative products or services as well as possible suppliers in the field of acute medical care. 


What's in store for you throughout the day?

In cooperation with the EIC, NO-FEAR is looking for companies and startups that are willing to present their innovative solutions to the project partners and their guests. The selected EIC-backed SMEs will then get the chance to fly to Madrid - at project costs - to pitch and show off their innovations and solutions to a selected audience of European EMS, Hospitals, medical practitioners, and procurers.


Who can apply?

All EIC-backed SMEs working on innovative products or services in the field of acute medical care that can respond to the needs of two different stakeholders:

  1. Emergency Medical services 
  2. Hospitals, Nursing homes 


What challenges should you prepare for?

Challenge 1: A novel generation of PPE

Context: PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is essential for health workers in the current pandemic. Carefully selecting and properly using adequate PPE to protect the respiratory tract – face, nose, mouth, skin, eyes, hands, feet, head, and other parts of the body – that can protect and be an effective barrier between the health worker and the contaminated materials, such as blood, body fluids, respiratory secretions, and aerosols. However, users often do not find their PPE comfortable while working. Therefore, heat, noise while moving, verbal communications difficulties, reduced tactile sensitivity, increased difficulty of fine hand movements, and impaired visibility with goggles may be experienced difficulties. In addition, PPEs aren’t environmentally friendly.

Specific challenge: Can we find on the market a new class of better-designed, environmentally friendly PPE that can meet healthcare workers’ needs?


Challenge 2 – A novel generation of Disinfection Materials

Context: Historically, disinfection from biological pathogens is based on strong oxygenating agents applied on a surface for prolonged periods. These procedures create a safety hazard, aren’t environmentally friendly, and can also cause damage to the equipment. The said damage may dramatically decrease the use of these materials, especially when it becomes evident that such strong agents aren’t needed.

Specific challenge: Can we find on the market a new class of better, environmentally friendly disinfection materials/technologies that can meet healthcare workers’ needs? Potential solutions for the two challenges must include a technology readiness level (TRL) ranging from 7 to 9.


Additional Information

Regarding the NO-FEAR Consortium:  

  • Università del Piemonte Orientale, Center for Research and training in disaster medicine and Humanitarian and Global Health
  • University of Freiburg
  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore-Policlinico Gemelli
  • Magen David Adom in Israel
  • Université de la Cote d’Azur
  • Rinicom
  • DSU, Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Samur Protecion Civil, Ciudad de Madrid
  • Assistance Public Hopitâux de Paris
  • Norwegian Red Cross
  • Universitet Innsbruck
  • Health Service Executives, South/Southwest Hospital Group
  • TFC Research and Innovation Limited
  • Trilateral
  • Persys Medical
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Research Group on Emergency and Disaster Medicine
  • Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut
  • Brigade Sapeurs Pompier de Paris


EIC Business Acceleration Services

The Business Acceleration Services provided are free of charge. All participants are expected to fill out a brief satisfaction survey shortly after the event, and a business impact survey after six months. Failure to do so may lead to exclusion from future Business Acceleration Services.  

This opportunity is brought to you by the EIC Business Acceleration Services. To explore other opportunities to connect with the largest public and private procurers in Europe, keep an eye on our events page.   


Cancellation policy

Cancellations will only be considered in duly documented cases of “force majeure”. Unjustified cancellation can lead to exclusion in future Business Acceleration Services events.

Should you have any questions regarding the event or your eligibility, please contact us through our contact page (please choose “EIC ePitching to Procurers with NO-FEAR” as the subject).

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided in the interest of knowledge sharing and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission, or any other organisation.

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