About ViraTrace

ViraTrace is a contact-tracing solution centered around a unique logical model that allows accounting for multiple degrees of interaction. This means it detects up to 3x more active cases than the standard approach employed by PEPP-PT, DP-3T, Google & Apple, etc.

Recently integrated into the official Indian contact-tracing app "Aarogya Setu"

We have two short term goals:

  1. Get the infection model implemented in more/all contact tracing apps;

  2. Build an alternate technical architecture based on Trusted Execution Environment (Secure Enclave) servers which allows additional data analysis resulting in the following value propositions:

    • Protect high-risk individuals (sick, elderly, etc) by designing a network topology that only allows safe interactions.
    • Account for the immune population (with antibody tests and/or users that had known active infections) when prioritizing commercial/essential activities.


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