About Tiramisu

Tiramisu facilitates real-world action through digital connection. 

We bring people and organizations together to create lasting change with mutual benefit.

The Problem 

The key problem we solve is disconnection. While loneliness has been a silent pandemic for a while, the year 2020 has amplified personal disconnection in many ways, leading to lower life satisfaction and increasing mental health problems. Loneliness has similar health effects as obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Our increasing dependence on technology solutions is further amplifying these issues. Companies at the same time struggle with increasing disconnection in the workplace as well. A disengaged employee costs its company on average 34% of their yearly salary, so even in financial terms this is a big topic. Companies also need to stand out in an increasingly saturated landscape of advertising and media – while customers put increasing attention to sustainable behaviour. At the same time, sustainable development goals, and especially community-focused non-profit organizations, are underfunded.


The Solution

Our solution is based on the insight that helping others is one of the best things we can do not only for others – but also for our personal wellbeing. For companies, CSR initiatives are a key driver for both customer and employee engagement. With our solution, we want to create the link between connection, wellbeing and sustainable engagement. Therefore, we build a solution with 3 core functions: peer support, causes and campaigns.

Peer support allows users to personally exchange skills and services, like practicing a language or learning to use a digital tool.

Through causes, users can support non-profits and community events, like a city-wide waste management campaign or video calls with inhabitants of elderly care facilities.

Through campaigns, companies can raise awareness for topics they care about, engage employees around causes and personal exchange – and reward community engagement through vouchers, celebrations, and events.

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Our impact

Personal wellbeing – Perceived connection is a key to our personal wellbeing, and we develop this feeling of connection through meaningful exchange. Our platform facilitates these connections and helps users to feel a stronger connection with their local community.

Employee & customer engagement – Companies can involve employees and customers both directly (through personal engagement) or indirectly (for example in decision making which initiatives to support). This strengthens engagement.

Sustainability & social impact – Last but not least, the activities done on our platform lead to direct and measurable social and environmental impact, achieved through a combination of personal, non-profit and corporate engagement. Highlighting individual contributions through data insights for our users and customers makes them explicit and traceable – and brings further motivation.

This way, our solution helps to increase personal, corporate and environmental wellbeing alike.



Our competitors are neighbourhood social networks (e.g. Nextdoor), personal volunteering platforms (e.g. Volunteermatch), employee volunteering platforms (e.g. Alayagood) as well as cause marketing solutions (e.g. Global Giving). Our key strength lies in combining these models, and in providing a solution for companies that combines campaigns and analytics on CSR initiatives including both customer & employee engagement.

We are unique for the following reasons:

  • Behavioural motivation and gamification: We apply the latest insights in behavioural science & gamification to motivate sustainable habits, wellbeing, and positive change.
  • Accessibility: We focus on access for all user groups through SMS/ Voice integration, Buddy systems and inclusive design choices.
  • Mutual benefit: We build impactful initiatives based on shared interest between companies, non-profits and local communities


Our business model

Our core customers will be companies that can plan and implement campaigns via our platform. We offer both subscriptions (platform access including campaign management, campaign analytics, impact reports, insights into other community causes & activities in a specified area + added services and support) and one-off campaigns (for example a scoped employee volunteering day or community event).

Our secondary customers are non-profit organizations for which we offer a freemium model – listing causes on our app will be free up to a certain threshold of monthly engaged volunteers. We offer subscriptions beyond the threshold and added services (e.g. tailored impact reports).

Our solution will be free for individual users.


Project Status (2022)

  • User-facing app developed and launched in Beta (iOS, Android in 3 languages
  • Positive feedback of early users
  • Current activities:
    • Launch preparation / go to market in France & US
  • Upcoming activities:
    • Larger digital marketing campaigns
    • Development of AI-based recommendation system in cooperation with neuroscientists & wellbeing researchers
    • Development of reward & campaign management system

Winning project of the EUvsVirus hackathon



Further information


Owner/Contact Information

Contact information


Solution type


Only facilitators can create content.
Non moderated