
DB mindbox is the startup hub of Deutsche Bahn Group, one of Europe's largest mobility and infrastructure provider. The German Corporate is announcing the upcoming 4th Future of Operations and Maintenance programme with strong partners headed by DB Netz AG. This 100-day signature programme will give startups the chance to customise and live-test their solution to the real challenges that DB is facing. They will have access to DB experts and data, a network of selected coaching and mentoring experts, and EUR 25,000 (no equity taken) during the programme. 

Do you have an innovative approach in the fields of weather resilience, legacy systems, workflow tools, new materials/coatings and/or sensor solutions? Then check out the new DB mindbox Programme' Future of Operations & Maintenance 2022' and work on exciting use cases with the Deutsche Bahn Group. A dedicated DB mindbox startup manager will support participants, and they will have 24/7 access to DB coworking space. 

Applications are open until 05 December 2021. Apply now! 

Challenge 1 - Weather Resilience

The influence of climate change is increasing. The severe weather events that are appearing with greater frequency are increasingly threatening our infrastructure. DB mindbox wants to be steps ahead, to be able to counteract and secure our facilities, overhead lines, rails and other parts of our infrastructure in time. Can you help them to find a solution to this problem? 

Apply here!

Challenge 2 - Legacy Hardware

Most of the railway system has been maintained for decades. Can you help DB digitise under the given conditions? Bring your innovative solution into play to actively participate in these improvements! Help DB to solve problems in a non-destructive way and without removing the protection of existing assets.

Apply here!

Challenge 3 - Workflow Tools

In order to run the largest railway operator in Europe, many systems have become indispensable for day-to-day business. They cover everything from coordination tasks to documenting processes to staff deployment planning. DB seeks to modernise systems (legacy IT systems and service facility allocation tool) with integrative solutions.

Apply here! 

Challenge 4 - Stabling Transparency

DB welcomes competition on the railways as a driver for innovation and quality improvement for its customers. There are more and more competitors using our track infrastructure. The Corporate is looking for your innovative approaches to monitor and organise the shared use more transparently. 

Apply here! 

Challenge 5 - New Materials & Innovative Coatings

What could the lotus effect or fluorescent algae have to do with Deutsche Bahn? A lot, because DB is open to all kinds of smart and new materials. Whether it’s noise-reducing coatings, anti-vandalism or weatherproof coatings, DB wants your innovative materials for every application. DB also thinks beyond trains, for example for railroad tracks or stations. 

Apply here! 

Challenge 6 - Sensor Solutions

The use of sensor solutions is becoming more and more important. DB needs your ideas to bring sensor technology into Deutsche Bahn Group for localisation and the creation of transparency.

Apply here! 


timeline_dbMore information 

For more information, please visit the website from DB mindbox here or check out their FAQs.


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