Every child is uniquely different. You see your child expressing the beginnings of his or her gifts, and you can't help but imagine all the incredible things that they will do. You want to give them very best, provide them with the most captivating opportunities for their education and instill the love for learning. But how? How can you best cultivate their gifts and lead them toward their full potential?

At The Village we believe in learning without limits & growth without borders.

We believe that children need more autonomy & consciousness in their learning process. Many of today's modern classrooms have not been conducive for children learning to their optimal potential and today's children are ready for more. Education is changing rapidly and is the next industry to be disrupted thanks to technology and the access to information. IndividualizedSelf-Directed Learning is the future of education.

The COVID Pandemic created immense pressures on families and in the educational system. It is very difficult for parents to suddenly not only continue working from home, but also provide stimulating education opportunities for their children. The world is essentially being forced to homeschool!

We are in a world where we literally no longer have "The Classroom" What ever will we do? Will learning cease to exist? Or will we adapt and realize that we have the capacity to learn anything, anytime, anywhere and from anyone?

Fortunately, the COVID pandemic also brings a great opportunity for institutionalizing individualized learning, meeting each child’s individual needs. Every child is now at home with the (digital) world at their fingertips and ready to start learning within the new framework. What is missing is a system for the parents to coordinate the learning opportunities in their communities and an organized access to a wide range of materials available for education online. This is the first immediate step to help families in the current COVID crisis environment.

As the next step, we will optimize and incorporate specialized educational materials to enable individualized individual learning, helping to develop sustainable and equalising systems across Europe and beyond. Irrespective of the quality or the school, our vision is that every child with access to the internet will have access to top quality educational materials online. In this way, The Village will help to complement their main educational systems and will benefit everyone, especially most vulnerable and marginalized.

Please join us at The Village to enable learning without limits & growth without borders.

What we do

We empower people to create their own personal and intimate village with friends, family, teachers and peers for experiential learning either virtually (amidst COVID pandemic) or for in person, hands on, kinesthetic learning in the future. We offer a platform that allows parents, teachers and children to connect with like-minded peers through a shared economy system letting the world be their classroom.

How we built it

We prototyped on InVision App and moved to build the rest of the project in React Native for iOS (and eventually Android).

Challenges we ran into

⚠️ Product snags: Bugs, crashes, and imperfect feature functionality.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Extremely high and positive response during market research!
  • Launching a live website!
  • Launching on the AppStore for beta testing!
  • Creating a Marketing Video

What we learned

  • It truly takes a village!
  • We need more hands on deck to create more in a shorter period of time.
  • We are going to need a powerhouse team to onboard and join us in our mission!

What's next for The Village

- Running Metrics on our Live Beta
- Launching a Kickstarter
- Funding
- Iterating on the product
- Public Product Launch

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Only facilitators can create content.
Non moderated


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