About arts4refugees

Q - Inspiration

We can enjoy ourselves without harming the planet.

Q - The problem your project solves?

Fast fashion is one of the biggest polluters globally. On average people only wear an item 4 times before they throw it away. 85% of all textiles bought go to landfill sites every year. Source: UNEP, Ellen McArthur Foundation

Scale of the pain - 10% of all carbon globally is from fast fashion( more than aviation and maritime combined). It is the world's second largest consumer of water. ! It is responsible for 20% of all industrial waste globally. Source: Business Insider

Q - Our Solution -

Virtual clothing solution - this includes protection of IP rights of the artists. The solution has 4 tiers - Standard off the shelf artwork for normal clothing Standard off the shelf artwork for digital clothing Off the shelf virtual clothing with iterations to the artwork - this allows for customisation for special occasions eg birthdays, wedding, etc. Custom design virtual clothing by organising one to one sessions with the artists.

The holochain configuration helps manage the data self sovereignty issues for the artists and rights of all the stakeholders.

This allows artists and designers to earn a living during the lock down.

Q - The impact of your solution(s)

  1. The need for fast fashion clothing goes down. Digital experience is growing and ensures millennials can enjoy fashion - just digitally.

  2. Artists and customer engagement goes up. Customers can directly engage with the artist and build strong emotional bonds. This helps the artist build their fan base. Artists have new ways to monetize their artwork and gain more exposure.

  3. UN SDGs are supported - pollution, wastage, landfill sites, water consumption and being targeted. For example, SDG 8 - decent work and economic growth, SDG 9 - industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG 12, Responsible consumption and SDG 13 Climate Action

  4. CoVid impact on artists and their current way of doing business is solved. They have a digital solution custom designed to help them earn a living where their IP rights are protected. Data is self-sovereign and the holochian allows the artist to retain ownership of their data even in co-creational environments.

  5. Share of profits supports refugees, transforming them into entrepreneurs in Northern Uganda.

Q - How we built it?

We used open innovation.

Q - What you have done to date?

We have organised a beta site covering all the streams for arts4refugees - https://www.arts4refugees.com/ . We will be adding the Virtual Fashion stream here as well. Our team is working hard on coming up with a great solution that meets our users needs in depth.

Q- The necessities in order to continue the project?

  1. Investment to help us through he alpha and beta phases of the virtual fashion solution we are working on.
  2. We are looking for fashion / luxury brand to work with to support the post conflict artisan community - we are looking to co create solutions to support all of us. We are also looking to access eco systems of organisations looking to increase their social impact footprint.
  3. Users to join our community and give us their feedback.

Built With

  • figma
  • graphql
  • holochain
  • linux
  • nixos
  • react
  • valueflo.ws

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